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GUIDE: Palace de Legba Cemetery

There are many Sims who have come and gone since the start of the Voodoo Vampire Legacy, most of which are buried on the grounds of the Palace de Legba. There's not enough information archived about these Sims to create individual profiles for each of them, but they did play parts in the overall story of the Legacy de Legba, so I wanted a place for them here on the blog.

I am not likely to update this page as the cemetery grows, as I hope any Sim to be buried on the grounds from here on out will be already documented on the site.

Without further adieu, here's a quick guide to the Sims currently resting in the grounds of Palace de Legba...



This section of the cemetery, nestled along the front porch of the palace, is reserved for those who served the legacy and the coven well in life.

Savanna Ito

Savanna was an early member of Papa Legba's coven. She was loyal to Papa Legba, despite not caring for his demeanor or plans for world domination, and was often seen at family events. After Papa Legba was ejected from the palace, Savanna remained loyal to the legacy, and thus to Prince Ixie. Even so, Papa Legba remained friendly with Savanna and continued to act as a vampiric mentor to her. She died of sun exposure shortly after converting to Ixie's sect of voodoo.

Graham Engel

Camryn Schmid

Jordyn Baker



This hidden section, locked behind a fence in the backyard of the palace, is where Cattle and Sim prey are disposed of.

Isaias Chong

Isaias was a casual high school friend of Ixie. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got hunted up by one of the palace Cattle. He now haunts the palace as one of our friendlier ghosts.

Liliana Anthony

Angelus Hudson

Antoinette Lim

Daichi Yamazaki



The frontmost section of the cemetery sits against the property line, greeting visitors and guarding the palace grounds. Only members of the royal family may be buried here, although being dead is not a requisite...

Papa Legba

Papa Legba is an immortal being, but tradition says that he was once a mortal soul made of flesh and bone. Perhaps there is a body here, perhaps the stone is but a carrier of his now immortal soul. No one knows for sure, but the headstone has a powerful aura and a haunting presence. I wouldn't go near it.

Blakeley Keller-Hollow

Lee Keller

Ixie Goth-Hollow


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