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Lee Keller

Wanderer on a Soul Journey

Son of Linda Keller ; raised by half-sister Blakeley Keller-Hollow ; brother of Ixie Goth-Hollow ; partner of Ash Harjo

Lee's story is one of the most tragic in the entire Legacy de Legba. From his conception, he was destined for a life of poor decisions, drugs, and hardship. His birth mother was Linda Keller, the elderly widow and former pimp of Frankie Hollow (a third-generation legacy member). Prior to becoming pregnant with Lee, Linda had been running an informal brothel and drug house on the outskirts of Willow Creek. Her drug habits and questionable business dealings had led her to losing custody of her and Frankie's firstborn daughter Blakeley long ago. Blakeley, now a young adult, was being raised by the rest of the Goth-Hollow clan.

It is completely unknown who Lee's biological father is, as Linda has no recollection of how she became pregnant. Old and worn out from a lifetime of partying, Linda had no choice but to ask her long-estranged daughter for help once she realized she was going to have another child. Blakeley and her cousin Rayne Goth (the patriarch of the family at the time) reluctantly agreed to take Linda in, if only for her unborn child's sake, and the entire family moved into a large home in Brindleton Bay, where Linda would give birth to Lee.

Not long after Lee's birth, Linda passed away due to complications from childbirth exacerbated by her old age. Lee's half-sister Blakeley took custody, doing her best to be the mother that Linda had never been. Tragedy continued to follow the family, though. During Lee's toddlerhood, Blakeley was in and out of rehab, fighting with her own childhood trauma as well as coping with the death of her cousin/best friend Sinn Goth. By the time Lee reached childhood, Blakeley had kicked her drug habit, but she'd had to drop out of college in order to do it. Soon after, Blakeley became pregnant with her first biological child, and she used this as an opportunity to move her growing family out to a place of their own. After giving birth to Ixie, Blakeley and the two young boys moved to Strangerville.

In Strangerville, Lee enjoyed a relatively normal childhood. He bonded with his younger brother, and he learned to love music and dance. He had trouble making friends at school, but his home life was happy. Blakeley's mental health continued to worsen, though, and just as soon as their fresh start had begun, it all came crashing down. During Lee's early teenhood, he suddenly lost his adoptive mother. Blakeley, who had become possessed by the Great Mother, succumbed to the same mental health issues that had earlier killed her cousin. Lee and Ixie were both adopted by Ixie's biological father, the Grim Reaper.

Under the Grim Reaper's care, Lee became a rebellious teen. He resented his strange new guardian and the secluded lifestyle they were being forced into. Ixie, on the other hand, idolized his father. Ixie's utter adoration for the Teaper, who was now using the name Papa Legba, caused much tension between the two brothers, and they began to grow apart. Lee became increasingly concerned with social status, luxury fashion, and the high demand world of professional dance. He was the heartbreaker of the high school, flying through a string of whirlwind romances and endless partying. It was no surprise to anyone when Lee was expelled for drug use on campus just a week before graduating.

Without having the escape of high school to distract him from the nightmare vampire world of his home life, Lee threw everything into dance. He stopped dating, stopped sleeping around, and spent all day practicing. When he wasn't practicing, he was doing drugs to cope with the stress of practicing. He kept to himself, longing for the day he could afford to leave Papa Legba's palace for a home of his own.

However, as young Ixie had begun to grow up, he too had grown to resent Papa Legba. He realized how this toxic environment built on power and control had destroyed his relationship with Lee, as well as any connection to humanity he'd once had. Ixie wanted out, and he knew the only way out was to take Papa Legba out. Lee and Ixie reconciled, agreeing to join forces to oust their abusive guardian once and for all. With the help of their resurrected mother Blakeley, Lee and Ixie were able to defeat Papa Legba, and Ixie became the crown prince of the Legacy de Legba.

With Papa Legba gone and Blakeley back in the land of the living, Lee spent the latter half of his life trying to find some sense of normalcy. He began dating his biggest high school crush, Jenny Power, and the two of them enjoyed experimenting with psychedelics together. Jenny ended up breaking Lee's heart, and Lee retreated into himself. He lost contact with his friends, just focused on dancing, and used ayahuasca to make sense of everything he'd gone through.

Lee ended up dying before reaching elderhood, tragically getting caught in a housefire. Before his death, though, Lee had reconnected with an old high school friend, Ash Harjo. Ash and Lee quickly fell in love, and Lee spent the last of his time on earth with the love of his life. After Lee's death, his spirit was immediately released to the Netherworld, as Blakeley wanted him to have the eternal peace and rest she had not been granted. His memory is forever carried by his only brother and closest friend Ixie.

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