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Rayne Goth

Failed art critic + aging vampire

Son of Martha Hollow and Alexander Goth ; servant to Papa Legba ; partner to Cecilia Kang ; father to Sinn Goth and Severt Goth ; guardian to Blakeley Goth-Hollow

Rayne Goth is the last remaining member of the original legacy, the only recognizable descendant of Aimee Keaton and Angel Hollow. His mother was Aimee and Angel's oldest daughter Martha, and his father was none other than the wealthy loner Alexander Goth. Rayne was raised in large, loving multi-generational household, surrounded by grandparents, cousins, siblings, and fun. Despite the joy in his life, Rayne seemed to inherit his parents' deep-seated depression.

As the oldest of Aimee and Angel's grandkids, Rayne was expected to set an example and guide the other younger members of his generation. But his parents and grandparents' best efforts were no use; the kid was a trouble-maker. He developed problems with several hard drugs during his teenhood, and by his young adulthood, he had begun experimenting with deviant sexual practices. In short, he was a bad role model.

And yet, by a series of unfortunate events, when all other members of his family had died off, Rayne ended up as guardian to his child cousin Blakeley. In search of the high-brow art & culture the city had to offer, Rayne moved himself and Blakeley to a small apartment in San Myushuno, where they both became acclimated with the local drug scene. A few questionable decisions later, and Rayne found himself romantically involved with a young drug dealer in his building. They experimented with drugs and BDSM together while Blakeley just tried to get through school. All the while, Rayne was convinced he was the city's next great art critic. Fate had other plans for him, though, and he soon had custody of not one but two young girls, as his drug-dealing girlfriend was apparently NOT on birth control.

But that's not all! At this point, Rayne is raising his cousin Blakeley Keller-Hollow AND his new daughter Sinn Goth. But it turns out Sinn's mother wasn't the only lucky gal in Rayne's life, as he is now also the proud of father of a child with THE Tina Peeping! The town peeper decided she was better fit to raise Severt, though, and opted to keep the baby.

All of this seemed to be enough of a wake-up call to Rayne, who used what he had left of the Goth family fortune to buy a sprawling family home in Brindleton Bay, a better place to raise his girls. He left the art world behind and began teaching film electives at the local high school. Severt began spending weekends with them, growing up alongside Blakeley and Sinn. Rayne never became a great father, but he did eventually give his daughters a great life. He even found time to fall in love with local dog-lover Cecilia Kang, who moved into the family home and fit right in. Unfortunately, though, the Goth-Hollow bloodline was cursed with a darkness that ran deep, and tragedy was soon to strike again...

Just as Sinn reached young adulthood and their family was happier than ever, she fell ill and died, finally succumbing to the eating disorder she had been hiding from her family. Overcome with grief, Blakeley fled with her two young children to Strangerville, leaving Rayne alone in the empty family home. At this point, Rayne was teetering on his elder years and slipping back into his drug habits. He had lost contact with most of his other family members and most everyone but Cecilia.

Some time passes, and Rayne hears from Blakeley. She's alive and well in Strangerville, but she's made a horrible mistake. She'd fallen in love with Death himself and invited him into her body. She needed help. Rayne did not hesitate. This, unfortunately, would be his undoing.

Rayne arrived in Strangerville to find Blakeley buried and dead. She hadn't called him; it had been an imposter. Raising Blakeley's children in a desolte palace on the edge of the desert was in fact Death, but not as Rayne had always known him. Instead of the hooded skeleton that Rayne had seen reap Sinn's soul, he was met with a barefoot suited voodoo god. Well, not a god, but a Lwa. Papa Legba, he called himself, and Rayne remembers little after that.

For years, Rayne was assumed to be dead. The truth, unfortunately, was worse. He'd been enslaved in the dungeons of Legba's palace. First, he was used for feeding. Then, he was turned into a vampire and trained as Legba's apprentice. He was kept in a stupor at all times, keeping his mind and life force easily manipulated. He lived this way until Papa Legba moved his legacy to the secluded kingdom of Forgotten Hollow. He was able to escape during the move and make his way back home to Brindleton Bay.

Cecilia took him in with open arms, not loving him any less, although she recognized his mind had been damaged beyond repair. To this day, she lives with him as his caretaker, helping to keep his mind sharp and taking care of him when he can't make sense of anything. She misses the deeply intelligent man she had once loved, but at least this way, she never has to tell him that the young girl living with them is NOT his daughter...

Many in Brindleton Bay reject Rayne as a monster, and they have called for his banishment many times. Remembering Rayne Goth is a club that was founded by his cousin Blakeley and his partner Cecilia, dedicated to honoring and remembering the person Rayne Goth was BEFORE he was corrupted by Papa Legba. The club is made up of his friends and family-members. They protect him from those who would reject him, and they help him remember who he was.

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