sleepy simeteries
ts4 stories in the style of ts2

the caretaker
sul sul! you can call me sleepy, and i am a brandi broke apologist.
i'm a 25-year-old disabled multimedia artist based in the Southeast US. i've been playing the sims since the relase of TS2, and i love this game more than life itself. by day, i work in casting for film and television, and on the weekends i make colorful and silly art. for pretty much all hours in between, i am using the sims as a medium to design characters and write stories.
if you are interested in my non-sims art, i'm flattered! i do have a website for that art, but since this site is publicly linked to my reddit i'm not super gung-ho about linking to it here. you probably CAN find my art site with some smart googling, but if you're interested in reaching out to me as an artist and not a simmer, feel free to use the email address below :)
contact: slumbernautica@gmail.com
reddit: u/oneironauticaobscura

PROFILE: sleepy
gender: ???
age: young adult
occult: plantsim
zodiac: pisces
ts4 career: art critic
ts2 career: show business
ts4 traits:
animal enthusiast
ts2 personality:
neat 6
shy 3
lazy 5
playful 5
nice 6
ts4 aspiration: renaissance sim
ts2 aspiration: knowledge + pleasure
home turf: pleasantview
fave ts2 premades: brandi broke, angela pleasant, lilith pleasant, brandi broke, olive specter, ophelia nigmos, all the summerdreams, kaylynn langerak, crystal vu, brandi letourneau, PT9, dustin broke
fave ts4 premades: morgan fyres, ulrike faust, cecilia kang, michael bell, all the volkovs, ash harjo, molly prescott
full list of mods i use + favorite cc creators coming soon!!

baby sleepy at the family computer, dreaming about lilith pleasant

approximation of sleepy's current form