sul sul! it's been a month or so of focusing on website building (as well as my other sims projects, not to mention my big girl job) so it's been a while since i played with the Legacy de Legba. i spent some time with my favorite vampire legacy today, though, and i sense big changes on the horizon! i've been so focused on documenting the legacy up until this point that i haven't been super interested in thinking about the next progression of the story, but i think that time is coming...
so, with that in mind, let's see what the clan is up to!
we start with a very grumpy Lula, who has been woken from her slumber by little Julia. the damn monster under the bed is at it again, and she's determined to wake up everyone in the house to get some help.

Lula is not in the mood to be helpful, though. she woke up extremely thirsty, but the plasmafruit trees on their property have been bear. she stubbornly refuses to drink from anyone unwilling, so she just sets her thirst aside, puts on her big girl clothes, and focuses on manifesting her Chess Team Captainhood.
luckily, Ixie's been working hard on his parenting skills, and he's in full dad mode. he's the only one in the house who actually bothers to help poor worked up Julia.
so, with that little hiccup taken care of, the rest of the morning is pretty uneventful. Anna and Narcissus both oversleep and nearly miss school, but what else is new?
grumpy girl just wants to stay home and play all day :(
oh, also Narc is going through a phase where he insists on sleeping in the spare coffin in the basement. instead of, you know, his comfy bed. he's REALLYING leaning heavy on the edgy these days.
BUT, he did have this cute moment with his cousin Robyn at school. they got into a little vampiric spar between classes, and all the fellas cheered them on. it was a good day for Narcissus's ego.
meanwhile, Ixie spends some time communing with the dead...
and little Julia tries her hardest to be a normal kid! (as a reminder, she refuses to go to school and rarely communicates with humans. she's such a little weirdo.)
something about her playing in the third floor bathroom (even though she has an entire playroom down in the basement) is REALLY endearing, if not a little sad, to me. (side note, but this room is so small i RARELY play it with the walls up, so when i took this picture, i was shook to see all of Lula's embarassing selfies pinned up there! i totally forgot she did that haha, i love my cute little teenagers.)
speaking of the teens, the other kiddos come home from school with their needs WEIRDLY low, so Narcissus and Lulabelle both go about trying to get their sweet plasma fix.
Lula invites over her bestie and favorite willing plasma donor Morgan. after a small sip and a short break for Morgan to rest, the girlies are both feeling better and they have a cute little pillow fight moment. i REALLY need Lulabelle to figure out plasma packs, though, because i don't know how long this little deal with Morgan is gonna work out :(
Narcissus's plan to get plasma, though, is so much worse...
homeboy straight up slurps from his own CHILD SISTER :( this made me very sad, he's never done anything like that before! he was very thirsty, though, and Ixie had recently drank from pretty much everyone else in the house. it was just so rough, man.
presumably to avoid being drank from by her desperate half-siblings, Julia spent much of the evening outside talking to her plants. she REALLY wants to learn gardening so she can harvest some of these plants, but her mental skill is too low. frustrated, she went back inside to find an adult to help her get smart.
meet the Legacy de Legba's newest nanny! i honestly don't even know her name! cousin Severt, who had previously been caring for the kiddos, has apparently found bigger and better things because she's inexplicably moved out, and this lady is the new live-in nanny. (what actually happened is my mod glitched out, but i'm rolling with it and working on finding a new role for Severt in the story!)
the new nanny spends a LOT of time under various spells from Ixie, so she wasn't a super helpful chess mentor. luckily, though, there's a bonafide chess champion living in the house, who after a nap and a bath, is in a MUCH better mood...
look how cute she is when she's not about to have a mental breakdown!!
so, the two sisters got some rare bonding time! Julia and Lulabelle have the same birth mother, so they're actually full sisters and not half-siblings like the other kids in the house, so i hope they're able to grow closer and become good friends. Julia is just so shy, but i think getting some chess lessons from her big sister was good for her!
i LOVE when Lulabelle tries to act like a scary vampire. what a cutie pie.
seriously, though, i think it meant a lot to her that someone showed an interest in her chess prowess. it was a good moment for both of them.
lil cutie ran right back outside to tell the plants about it!
so what has Papa Ixie been up to while the kids have been getting to know each other, in ways both good and bad?
well, he's been drinking random people to death out in the main thoroughfare in Forgotten Hollow. you may think it's a bad move for the Crown Prince of the Hollow to be seen so brazenly murdering innocent people, and you would be right about that. even Prince Ixie looks shocked with himself, but he's got a plan here.
pictured: Ixie, Prince of Darkness, calmly meditating next to the body of the rando he just killed, waiting for the sexy new Grim Reaper to show up.
Miru, the Sulani goddess of Death, has been taking on Reaper duties for Papa Legba ever since he was unceremoniously ousted from his own palace, and Ixie has had eyes on her since he was a teenager. Now that he's a powerful adult and ruler of his own legacy, he's hoping to romance her and maybe even father another powerful death deity through her.
i can't tell if it's sweet or weird that he's hanging around dead people so he can see, romance, and eventually fuck the Grim Reaper just as his mom did before him. considering that Ixie is half Reaper himself, it would be pretty neat to see what a child with Lady Miru would be. unfortunately for Ixie, though, i'm pretty sure she doesn't swing that way. but hey look! he gave her a pretty Death Flower, so his random victim got to live! all's well that ends well.
after failing to woo the woman of his dreams, Prince Ixie suddenly remembers that he actually already has a partner, who has already given birth to one of his heirs. feeling like a guilty fool, he rushes home and invites Cheyenne over immediately. Cheyenne spends some time with their little Anna, and Ixie sees that his daughter is much happier and relaxed when around her mother. Ixie wonders if maybe Cheyenne was always meant to be more than his Royal Advisor or his Partner-in-Crime. maybe it's time Cheyenne officially joins the family...
there's something that Ixie doesn't know, though. Anna isn't his only child with Cheyenne. before being turned to a vampire, Cheyenne gave birth to a second child. a son. they've been raising the boy in secret, as a son would take Anna's place in line for the throne, and Cheyenne can't bear to do that to their daughter. i wonder what will happen next...